Stornara, Italy
Stornara Airfield, Home of the 456th Bomb Group: 744th, 745th, 746th and 747th Bomb Squadrons.
An approach view. Note the aircraft in line for takeoff, one on the runway. This shot obviously taken during a group form-up for a mission.
A direct bird's-eye view.
See layout map below. Note separate aircraft of the squadrons are
visible around the main runway.
A Brief History Of The 456th Bomb Group, World War II
456th BOMBARDMENT GROUP (H), Stornara, Italy 1943-1945
The 456th Bomb Group was constituted 14 May 1943.
On 1 June 1943, the 456th Bombardment Group (H) was activated, along with it's four squadrons, the 744th, 745th, 746th and the 747th at Wendover Army Air Field, Wendover, Utah. The squadrons were not manned until 14 July 1943 after movement to Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho. The 456th Bomb Group would go into combat in the four-engined B-24 heavy bomber aircraft.
Office of the Group Commander
Gowen Field, Idaho
14 July 1943.
No. ...... 1)
In accordance with the provisions of AR 600-20 the undersigned assumes command of the 456th Bomb Group effective this date.
Col. AC.
Thus this the first General Order created the 456th Bomb Group, one of the many who were to defeat Hitler and distinguish themselves in the destruction of the Nazi war machine's ability to conduct war.
On 26 April 1945 the Group flew its final combat mission, a motor transport depot in Tarvisio, Italy. There was no enemy opposition, there were no losses suffered by the 456th Bomb Group.
The mission results were adjudged as PERFECT, with 100% accuracy. All bombs impacted within 1000 feet of the mean point of impact (MPI).
JULY 1945 The 456th Bomb Group returned to the U.S.A, assigned to Smoky Hill Air Field, in Kansas. In August it was re-designated as the 456th Bombardment Group (Very Heavy).
On 17 October 1945, The Group was inactivated, thereby ending a very illustrious wartime contribution.