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5th BW Missions June 1943

June 1-4 - Pantelleria Island

B-17s and P-38s joined in the "all out" attack on Pantelleria.

June 5 - Italian Battleship: Spezia, Italy

113 B-17s flew up to Spezia at the top of the Italian boot to bomb 3 battleships. Over 280 tons of 1600 and 2000 lb. bombs were dropped. Direct hits were scored on bows and sterns of the battleships in the harbor. M/Vs and a cruiser were also hit and violent explosions were seen in dock areas, oil storage depot and submarine pen.

June 6-11 - Pantelleria Island

B-17s in daily raidson Pantelleria. Our P-38s contributed greatly to the surrender of the island with their dive-bombing of gun positions and installations.

June 11 - Pantelleria Island

Last trip over Pantelleria. Half bombed, when halt called because of surrender.

June 11-20

The Forts ranged over A/Ds in southern Italy.

June 25 - Messina, Sicily

140 B-17s plunked 1000 & 2000 lb. bombs on Messina docks, warehouses and Marshalling Yds. 15 E/A were destroyed out of a swarm of fighters which attacked. Intense flak damaged a lot of the 17s.

June 28 - Docks, Shipping & M/Y: Leghorn, Italy

97 Forts made the long hop to Leghorn and tore up the harbor, setting one ship afire. The industrial area was hit also.